Staying Sane During the Holidays: Thanksgiving Edition

Staying Sane During the Holidays: Thanksgiving Edition

With all of the Christmas lights and decorations gradually showing up in retail stores and around town, it might make you forget that we still have to celebrate Thanksgiving. 

The holidays are filled with lots of opportunities for family reunions — which means you’ll have to see those distant cousins twice in the next two months. So take some time to read through our Thanksgiving edition of staying sane during the holidays and see what tips work for you. 

But all of this Thanksgiving talk doesn’t mean it’s too early to start thinking about your LED Christmas lights! Make sure you shopThe Christmas Light Emporium. From free shipping on all orders over a given threshold to our rewards program and Red Suit referrals, make us your go-to shop for the holidays. 

How to Stay Sane During Thanksgiving 

The holidays can bring out the best — or worse — in us. It also seems to be the only time that we make ourselves look like fools in front of our extended family. But there are different ways that you can stay sane this Thanksgiving, and some of those solutions involve a lot of Christmas lights and decorations. Read through our tips and survive your Thanksgiving dinner with the help of The Christmas Light Emporium. 

Stay by the Food

If you’re not sure where the safest space is during Thanksgiving dinner, you can’t go wrong standing over by the food. Appetizers, the bar, eyeing the un-cut pie, you name it. You can even find your way back to the kitchen and offer to help with the cooking and set up. It’s a great way to show your appreciation for the cooks while keeping yourself occupied and away from your family’s prying questions. 

Decorate Your House for Christmas

You might be stuck having the in-laws and your extended family over for Thanksgiving dinner. But that doesn’t mean your house can’t be decked out for Christmas. If turning your house into a winter wonderland makes you appreciate Thanksgiving even more, go for it! Just make sure you choose LED Christmas lights that will make your house glow from down the street. 

Accept Your Inner Grinch

We all have an inner grinch, no matter how small, and the holidays can bring that inner Grinch to the surface. Acknowledge that Thanksgiving might be filled with various mishaps and comments that leave you feeling grouchy. And then remember that Thanksgiving is only one day and while it’s okay to feel grouchy, don’t let that ruin your dinner.

Focus on Family

Sometimes, the true purpose of Thanksgiving can get lost among the Black Friday chaos and the general bustle of the holidays. But the goal of Thanksgiving is to gather your family together and be thankful for that time. When you remember that, it can make it easier to appreciate the time you get to celebrate. 

Plan Ahead

If you dread the amount of preparation and errands you have to run for Thanksgiving, start planning ahead. It’s never too early to work on your shopping list and make sure you have everything you need. Are there are certain ingredients — like your baking mixes, pumpkin puree, or the box of stuffing — that you can start buying now to save you time later! 

Are you hosting Thanksgiving at your house this year? Think about the different things you can do to get your house ready early. Clean your house the week before and then just keep it clean. Dig out all of the china and serving dishes you’ll need in advance to make it easy to set up the table on Thanksgiving. Small tasks like that will make everything go smoother on the actual day can help you feel more prepared.

Reconsider Your Expectations 

What are your expectations for Thanksgiving? Part of the stress or frustration you experience each year could trace back to certain expectations you’ve set. In fact, there is no such thing as a perfect holiday. Instead, embrace your Thanksgiving for what it is! 

Traditions Are What You Make Them 

This idea builds off the expectations you have. Movie and media representations of Thanksgiving might give you an idea of what classic Thanksgiving traditions are. But if you’re focused on those traditions, you’ll never enjoy your own Thanksgiving. Instead, make your Thanksgiving what fits you and your family. Do you always order Chinese food? Great! Do you get together and hang up your LED Christmas lights together? Even better! Create your own traditions and you might find that Thanksgiving is your new favorite holiday. 

Thanksgiving Will Be over Before You Know It!

Just remember: Thanksgiving lasts for just one day. Before you know it, you’ll be well on your way to Christmas lights and decorations everywhere. We hope that our tips will help you stay sane this year and during future Thanksgiving dinners. 

When it’s time to order your LED Christmas lights, make sure you shop our wide selection atThe Christmas Light Emporium. With our lights, you can be the brightest house in the block this year! 

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