If you’re like many Americans, then you’re probably looking for ways to save money this Christmas season. You want to give your family and friends a memorable Christmas, but you don’t want to start off the new year with an empty bank account. If you want to save money on your monthly energy bills, then consider investing in LED Christmas lights. We’ve received a few questions about transitioning from incandescent lights to LEDs this year, so we’re going to take some time to explore this topic in more detail. When you’ve finished reading this post, head over to The Christmas Light Emporium to browse our massive selection of Christmas lights and decorations!
Consider the following situation. You’ve been an avid collector of Christmas lights and decorations for years, and your home is always one of the most impressive displays in the area. However, your collection consists almost entirely of incandescent Christmas lights. You know that LED Christmas lights are much more efficient and will cost you less in the long run, but you can’t afford to purchase new Christmas lights all at once. How should you phase out your incandescent lights?
We’ll start by saying that there’s no right or wrong way to approach this question — the ideal solution really depends on your personal preferences. However, many of our customers have found strategies that work well for them, so here are just a few ideas:
Another great way to switch to LED Christmas lights is to focus on replacing a single color. If your home utilizes a lot of red incandescents, then switch to red LEDs this year. You can swap out different colors every year until your entire home is covered in bright and efficient LED Christmas bulbs!
We hope that this post will help you make the switch from incandescent Christmas lights to LED bulbs in the coming years. Please contact The Christmas Light Emporium with any additional questions you have, or with any stories about how you’ve made the switch yourself!
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